Mario's Adventures: Buckey and Mario's Story
April 10, 2009Coming down the street Thursday evening on the way home from work I see something that resembles a baby carriage behind a bike crossing in the street about 100 yards down. I get closer and see a contraption with a man and his dog riding along with all their gear on their bike and carriage.
I stop and say hello and met Buckey and Mario. Mario is the dog and Buckey, his dog-father, says his mother was a Golden Retriever and his father a Saint Bernard. He looked like a sweet pit mix to me, that's what everyone say's according to Buckey. Mario is currently 8 months old.
Buckey found Mario in Oregon on his way from Alaska. He traveled all the way from Alaska to Oregon on his bike. He rescued Mario from a couple that was abusing him. He says they are heading out of California to Texas via Route 66. It sounds like a great road trip! Get this - Buckey plans to install solar panels on the top of the carriage to power his cell phone and GPS device.
Buckey and Mario will soon have a website dedicated to "Mario's (The Dog) Adventures" thanks to the college students at a local Southern California campus.
We wish Buckey and Mario the best of luck and safe travels on the road.
Posted by jennifer.