Welcome to Ugly Dog Adventures!
We offer personalized dog adventures for the "OC" dog. We cater to your dog's needs; our human to dog ratio for each adventure is 1:1. This is not a traditional dog daycare! Your dog will not be grouped in with the pack at Ugly Dog Adventures.
Our clients (the fuzzy ones) are treated like K-9 royalty while receiving true one-on-one personal care from their adventure leader. The dogs have fun and enjoy their natural environment on every adventure.
Any program can be manipulated to fit the exact physical needs of your dog, If you desire a unique dog adventure experience please email me your idea.
All adventures include round trip transportation from your home to adventure spot and back. Crates are used during transport to ensure a safe ride to and from home.
We provide all necessary adventure gear (back packs for hikers, life jackets and towels for beach dogs, etc.). Unlimited bottled water is provided to all adventurers.
We document all of our adventures and send photos of each adventure via e-mail.
All adventure dogs should have a good re-call and basic K-9 obedience skills.
Any breed accepted! We do not discriminate based on size, weight or breed!
Please note that all dogs should be registered in the County of Orange and wearing their ID's
3 Ways to reserve your adventure:
E-mail us at uglydogadventures@gmail.com
Call Jennifer @ (714) 585-3868
We are affordable - check us out!
Refer a friend and get 50% off your own adventure!